People ARE Changing Their Minds about Climate Change!

The Yale Program on Climate Change Communications has released its Fall 2023 data from its yearly poll of American attitudes about global warming (“Global Warming’s Six Americas”). A clear majority of Americans understand that global warming is a serious issue. Almost three out of five Americans (57%) are alarmed or concerned, and almost three out of four Americans (72%) are either alarmed, concerned or cautious. They compared the results from the survey this year to the results from a decade ago, and there is great news. A higher proportion of people were alarmed or concerned than 10 years ago (57% in 2023 vs. 39% in 2013) with the largest increase being in the alarmed group (28% in 2023 vs. 15% in 2013). On the other end of the spectrum, there were also less people in the doubtful or dismissive groups than 10 years ago (22% in 2023 vs. 27% in 2013), indicating that even some of those individuals most seemingly entrenched in their views have changed their minds.

Yes, it is possible. People can learn and change.

From the Yale Program on Climate Change Communications announcement:

“More Americans have become worried about global warming over the last 10 years, and majorities are also worried about various climate impacts and extreme weather events harming their local community. Worry about extreme heat has especially increased over the past five years. Additionally, the public increasingly understands that global warming is affecting the weather. With record-breaking temperatures and other extreme weather events on the rise, it is important to continue educating the public to understand that climate change impacts are happening here and now and will increasingly harm American communities if we don’t take action to greatly limit the pollution that causes global warming.

Americans want more climate solutions and policies. Our research has shown that most registered voters support numerous policies to reduce the pollution that causes global warming and prefer to vote for a candidate who supports action on global warming

For more information on the survey methods, please visit the Global Warming’s Six Americas, Fall 2023 Climate Note.”

So, going into the new year, stay positive, and keep talking about the environment when it seems appropriate (maybe not Christmas dinner or New Year celebrations depending on your family and friends).

Don’t assume those who don’t agree with you today won’t agree with you tomorrow!

Raising awareness and communicating about this, with friends, family, and colleagues, in a way that brings people together can have results. You don’t have to be an expert, it doesn’t have to be a debate or confrontation, just be sincere and honest. Tell your story, share your concerns, your hopes for the future. That is something we all can do.


2023: There Was Good News


New EPA Rules to Decrease Methane Pollution